Setting Love, Sex, and Dating New Year's Resolutions


Setting Love, Sex, and Dating New Year's Resolutions

As the calendar turns its page to a new year, many individuals take the opportunity to reflect on their lives and set resolutions for personal growth. While common goals often revolve around fitness, career, or personal development, setting resolutions for love, sex, and dating can add a fresh perspective, especially if the year didn't entirely end the way you wanted it to on the romance side. 

Driven by the relentless pulse of fear, uncertainty and security, humans often plunge into decisions around dating and relationships; trust me, I've been there many times. While love and sex have their place in being spontaneous, our choices can sometimes often lead to outcomes that may have had better results if a little patience and self-reflection had been present. There is a delicate balance between the desire for immediate resolution and the strength in the art of waiting for the right path to reveal itself, especially in a world filled with instant gratification. 

So, what can we do to help navigate the labyrinth of love, sex, and dating more consciously in the coming year? 

1. Reflecting on the past

Before diving into new resolutions, reflecting on the past is crucial. Consider the highs and lows of your romantic journey in the previous year. What worked well in your relationships, and what areas could use improvement? Be honest about your desires, expectations, and any patterns you may have noticed. This self-awareness will serve as a solid foundation for crafting meaningful resolutions. Did you fully explore your pleasure in an authentic and empowering way? If not, why? 

2. Prioritising Quality Time

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it's easy for relationships to take a back seat. Make a resolution to prioritise quality time with your partner. Schedule regular date nights, weekend getaways, or even spontaneous adventures. Quality time fosters a stronger bond and creates lasting memories, injecting excitement and connection into your relationship. Why not implement the 2-2-2 Rule? It involves going on a date night every two weeks, spending a weekend away every two months and taking a week-long vacation away every two years. Remember, these date nights don't need to involve a lavish night out; simply spending uninterrupted time together in any shape or form is essential. 

3. Exploring Shared Hobbies

A resolution that adds zest to your love life is exploring shared hobbies. Discovering new activities together not only brings joy and excitement but also strengthens the bond between partners. Whether taking a dance class, cooking together or exploring a shared interest, shared hobbies create common ground, fostering a sense of unity and companionship. It's also important to mention that, even if you do not like the same hobbies, exploring what your partner likes is a fundamental way to get to know them better. It shows that you both care about exploring one another curiosities and, in turn, start to learn the things that bring you both joy. 

4. Embracing Open Communication about Intimacy

Open and honest communication about intimacy is crucial for a healthy romantic relationship. Make a resolution to discuss your desires, boundaries, and preferences with your partner. Create a safe space where both individuals feel comfortable expressing their needs. This resolution can lead to a more satisfying and fulfilling physical connection, deepening the overall intimacy in your relationship. Being vulnerable in a relationship can be challenging, and sharing intimate parts of yourself may seem scary, but I always remember this quote by Harriet Lerner: 

"An intimate relationship is one in which neither party silences, sacrifices, or betrays the self, and each party expresses strength and vulnerability in a balanced way."

5. Prioritising Self-Love

Before one can truly love another, it's essential to love oneself. Make self-love a priority in the new year by setting resolutions focusing on personal well-being. This could include practising self-care routines, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, or pursuing individual goals. When individuals prioritise their happiness and well-being, they bring positive energy to their relationships.

Exploring solo masturbation is also another way to prioritise one's self and reconnect with your body. Not only will this boost your mood, increase self-confidence and reduce stress, but it will also improve your relationship around sex. 

 Why not even treat yourself to a toy that will help you explore sensations with Wipple Tickles' and their thousands of toys available to buy online? If you are still trying to figure out where to start with his and her toys, here are my partner and I's top choices...


6. Embracing Flexibility

While setting resolutions is beneficial, it's essential to approach them with a degree of flexibility. Relationships are dynamic and may require adjustments along the way. Be open to adapting your resolutions based on your relationship's evolving needs and circumstances. Flexibility fosters resilience and ensures that your romantic goals align with the ever-changing nature of love and connection. 

In conclusion, setting love, sex, and dating resolutions for the new year can breathe new life into your romantic journey. Reflecting on the past, building emotional intelligence, prioritising quality time, exploring shared hobbies, embracing open communication about intimacy, prioritising self-love, and embracing flexibility are all valuable resolutions that can lead to a more fulfilling and satisfying romantic life. As you embark on this journey, remember that the key to a successful resolution is dedication, communication, and a genuine desire for growth and connection.

Latest, LifestyleApril Maria